For as long as I can remember, if you wanted to blow large huge dense clouds (slang term for vapor) you had to use a mech mod. A mech mod is an unregulated electronic cigarette device that that is not limited by the resistance of the atomizer.
With a good battery with a high amp rating, mech mods have been known to output 100 to 200 watts of power. However with the last half of 2014, a lot of new box mods (box shaped electronic cigarette) have hit the market that is making even the veteran and advanced e-cig users rethink their mech mod devices.
How and Why Are Box Mods Better?
Simply put, they are safer and perform much better. The Mech Mod’s largest downfall is it does not output a constant voltage, which as the day progresses and the more often you use the device, the voltage being outputted decreases as well. Essentially in the morning your setup is maybe outputting 100 watts, but by midafternoon you may be looking at 65 watts of power. Is the due to the unregulated nature of the Mech Mod device.
The Box Mods, on the other hand, outputs a constant voltage until the batteries die. You will have the same amount of power from the first time you press the fire button until the batteries run out. Box Mods are also safer than Mech Mods as well. Box Mods have built in protection such as temperature limits which stops the e-cig in the event it is getting too hot, built in shortage protection, reverse battery protection, low voltage protection which stops the e-cig when the batteries get too low, and etc. Another huge selling point with these new box mods is built in charging.
No longer does the user have to worry about charging their batteries, the devices can simply be charged via a USB outlet in the wall or even a computer. For those without a charger already, this is a huge selling point!
But What About the Price?
Surprisingly, the prices are not that bad for a Box Mod Device. When you think about it, the cheapest authentic Mech Mod runs about $100 USD (I’ve seen some that are up to $250!!!), you factor in new batteries, and a charger, you are easily looking at $180 easily; and often much more.
With a Box Mod on the other hand, you are looking on average $100 for the device as well and you factor in the batteries, you may be saving yourself about $25 to $30 assuming the Box Mod has a built in charger.
So on average, a Mech Mod and a Box Mod are right around the same price (assuming the Mech Mod is not a clone). So for right around the same prices you get so much more benefits, why would anyone get a Mech Mod?!
The Future of Vaping?
So what will hold for the future of vaping in 2015 or perhaps 2016? To be perfectly honest, I am not sure. Most of 2013 was about Mech Mods, 2014 was about Box Mods, and the last half of 2014 have been a wattage war between the Box Mods with one Box Mod trying to out power the other one by adding more wattage to the device. In fact, there is one device that can output 180 watts with three batteries!! I think we will eventually get to the point where consumers decide enough is enough, and we do not need 200 watts to be happy with our E-Cigs. I believe some great innovation will happen in 2015, as there are rumors of Bluetooth synced E-Cigs that has the battery meter etc. displayed on a smart phone.
I also believe manufacturers are going to try to create E-Cigs that are more portable, but just as possible. Not sure if you have seen the latest and greatest device, but it is huge! I could barely fit it around my hands let alone in my front pockets while walking around!
The post Bye Bye Mech Mods, Hello Box Mods! appeared first on Electronic Cigarettes Reviews.